In Muhakka there was a main addition to Camp Life... nightlife! The infamous Forty Thieves was the club we visited 3 times in the week that we visited Muhakka. It was a step up from a shack on the beach, but still.... a shack on the beach + alcohol. The shooters bar was AMAZING (personal favorites being the Toffee and Kamakazies) plus the most cheesey music meant we had a great night every time.
Campfire area.
The food in Africa so far has been great! THIS IS JULIUS ^ He was our chef and filled our stomachs with African food: Chapatti! Pancake like additions to a curry; so good!
The project that we worked on in Muhakka was the dispensary, a project designed to provide the local village with a emergency maternity ward, as currently the mothers in labour have to ride on the back of a moped to the nearest hospital... not practical!
Jodie and one of the local kids...all of whom seem to dress in ballgown like attire.
One of our days we requested if the two of us could go and work at the local school. It was so fun and interesting to see the differences between school life over here compared to home. All the kids click and jump to get their teacher's attention and are free to jump all over the desks. They are not allowed, however, to speak any other language than English whilst at school. This was odd - of course it's great for them to learn English so quickly, but Kiswahili sounds far nicer!
Speak soon,
Jodie and Megan xxxxxxxx
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